Blood Pressure In Pregnancy

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Knowing the importance of blood pressure tablets during pregnancy. We may have used it checked out, but what is the real usefulness of blood pressure and know what the problem is if your blood pressure is low or high? What is blood pressure? Your heart pumps blood into the arteries and capilar, then back to the heart through veins. When the heart contracts and increase the pressure on the blood it is called the systolic pressure. When your heart relaxes and blood release it is called the diastolic pressure.
Two types of blood pressure is very meaningful to calculate your blood pressure. For example, if your blood pressure is 120/80 means your systolic pressure is 120 and your diastolic pressure is 80.
Some women have high blood pressure and this can worsen during pregnancy. There is also a pregnant woman with high blood pressure that can give birth a baby pre eclampsia who also had high blood pressure.
How much does a normal blood pressure, high or low? For adults normal blood pressure is called between 120/80, 140/90 mark if it is already on the verge of high blood pressure and is also called hypertension. Low blood pressure is difficult to ascertain, but if you feel dizzy often and suddenly your view is blurred or blurry, it looks like you have low blood pressure.
What causes high blood pressure? Age, the older a person more at risk for high blood pressure. Diabetes mellitus, kidney and the pain itself is also at risk for high blood pressure. Unhealthy lifestyle, try to always consult your blood pressure and do regular exercise. Stress. Sensitive to salt, too much salt in the menu you can make your blood pressure increases loh. Why blood pressure in pregnant women can quickly go up and down? When you enter the 6 months of pregnancy, your body produces more 2 ½ times the blood bag. The blood is used for a transport nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the placenta and the placenta. And in the middle of the pregnancy hormone progesterone will soothe the walls of blood and cause your blood pressure back down. Usually, your blood pressure will return to normal a few weeks before delivery. If your blood pressure remains high, the doctor will check your urine on a regular basis to see any indication of the protein or not and this is as an indicator of pre-eclampsia or not. Usually the doctor will give you tablets to make your blood pressure remains normal if you are exposed to high blood pressure, also called essential hypertension.
What are the risks faced when experiencing high blood pressure?
Pre-eclampsia, this may cause your baby to have low weight or born prematurely. Eclampsia, this occurs if the current pre eclampsia do not get care. This can cause other diseases later in life and attacking the brain, kidneys and liver. Chronic gestational hypertension, your blood pressure is high if you do not return to normal within 3 months. But if you only experience high blood pressure during pregnancy, do not worry, because everything will be back to normal within a few weeks after your baby is born. (From ibudananak dot com)
Hopefully this article useful, especially for pregnant women